About Us
Your Passport to the World
We specialize in responsibly, ethically and sustainably sourced coffee from Africa, South/Central America, and Asia.
Every batch of our coffee is roasted to perfection and shipped within three to five days of purchase. Our freshly roasted coffee beans are a great way to indulge yourself and satisfy your coffee fetish!
So, what about that this thing called coffee?
Coffee is the third-most consumed beverage in the world behind water and tea. In addition to that, coffee comes from all the places that people want to be.
When we started this journey, we bonded over two things: the love of coffee and the love of travel. We wanted to offer a product or service that has an impact on people and how they can fit it into their lives. As we continued to brainstorm, we realized that coffee not only soothes the soul, but it brings people together. And because of that, we knew this was a venture that we wanted to start.
The more we researched coffee, the more we fell in love with the world of coffee--from the places it grows to the people who grow it.
With Ethiopia being the birthplace of coffee, we knew that we had to be a part of this wonderful complex world.
Tvrl Love Koffee?
In order to be successful in business, you must do something that you love. You also must ensure that what you are doing is beneficial to the community in which you build and operate your business. And with that in mind, we knew that coffee checked both of those marks.
As the number-three-consumed beverage behind water and tea, we knew that building a brand that not only spoke to one’s moral compass; we also wanted a company that spoke to a person’s adventurous side. So, we set out to create a brand that tapped the adventure in you.
With the motto of “Your Passport to the World,” we wanted to bring the globe to your cup by providing an ethnically sourced, sustainable, fair-trade, and high-quality product. In addition, our goal is to make coffee a lifestyle. It’s not that normal routine of downing a cup of regular joe as you rush out the door for work but for you to truly experience coffee for what it is: a cultural experience.
Coffee grows in places that most people want to go on beautiful islands, exotic mountains close to Victorian falls, high altitudes and beautiful weather. With our love of travel, we knew that we had to create our brand that would revolve around trvl, koffee, the culture and love.
Creating a coffee brand and roastery became the dream that drives us daily. As we continue to develop our brand, we want to ensure that it is socially responsible, ethically sourced, goal driven and offers a platform for diversity and inclusion. We want to do this while ensuring that the world that we bring to you is free from chemicals, fair trade and not sourced through slave labor or slave wages.
We ask that you embark on this journey with us as we grow our Trvl Love Koffee community.